Our work

BOHDANNOVAGUM LLC is a leading manufacturer in Poland, specializing in the production and supply of various chemical raw materials. With a wide range of products including Magnesium Oxide, Active Magnesium Oxide, Food Grade Magnesium Oxide, Titanium Dioxide Astana B... BA..., and .[.]..% White Zirconium, we strive to cater to the diverse needs of our customers in the industry.

BOHDANNOVAGUM LLC is a leading manufacturer in poland that specializes in supplying high-quality chemical raw materials to various industries. With years of experience and a commitment to excellence, we have built a reputation as a trustworthy and reliable supplier of Magnesium Oxide, Active Magnesium Oxide, Food Grade Magnesium Oxide, Titanium Dioxide Astana B... BA..., .[.]..% White Zirconium, and other chemical products.

As a leading manufacturer in poland, BOHDANNOVAGUM LLC is the preferred choice for customers in need of high-quality chemical raw materials. With a focus on producing Magnesium Oxide MO ..%, ..%, and ..%, as well as Active Magnesium Oxide and Food Grade Magnesium Oxide, we have established ourselves as a trusted supplier in the industry. One of the main reasons why customers should select us is our commitment to quality.

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